Spotify gave all its staff an extra week off - here’s why
This piece is a part of our Going Against the Grain series, which profiles businesses with the guts to defy convention and test out novel concepts. Go here to view the remaining episodes of the series. One of the biggest reassessments of work/life balance since the weekend's inception has been brought on by the pandemic. This month, Prince Harry became the most recent person to emphasise the value of time off when he counselled employers to offer their employees time to concentrate on themselves in order to counter the consequences of burnout and stress. This thought is what motivated Spotify to start a "health week" for its staff. It took place during the first week of November and gave all employees the option to take five paid days off, thereby closing the business for five days. According to Spotify's senior human resources officer Katarina Berg, the purpose of the week was to offer its employees "a opportunity to refresh and focus on themselves." Duri...